In The Vineyard: Guatemala

Apostle Avilio Herrera 

On May 22nd, I traveled from my home in Belize to Guatemala to visit scattered saints and to share the Restored Gospel to many interested persons. First I visited the Hernandez family for two days, having preaching services and classes with them. 

I then moved on to Puerto Barrios where I met Elder Gregorio Garcia and we made plans for the remainder of this trip, which he will accompany me on. We visited several members, encouraging them and building them up with gospel teaching.

We then traveled to Salam to meet with the Ambrosio family who lives high up in the mountains. There is no bus service there, so we had to take a heavy duty car and do a lot of walking. We finally arrived, after a very difficult day of traveling, late at night. We had planned to have classes in the evening, but we arrived late and also discovered that one of the men in the family was having a medical emergency. He has been suffering with a disease for 15 years that causes him to have a lot of pain throughout his body, but he was suffering an attack that was causing him very severe pain. We administered to him and he left immediately to seek medical help. We learned later that he was healed of the pain.  

The following day we had the opportunity to share our first class and it was very well received, the family paying close attention. We continued our teaching in the following days, although it was very difficult as this family is very Catholic and they have a lot of statues and pictures of Catholic icons. 

Another family in the area became interested in our teachings and although they attended late in our visit, they urged us to come back and give them more teaching. 

We then traveled to Cabanas, to visit Elder Ramiro Alvarado where we were able to meet with the saints and share in preaching and teaching with them. The Morales family was in attendance and we felt led to go and visit them the next day. We had come to encourage them to be baptized and they were very happy. They had become discouraged as they did not think we would visit them again and they wanted to be baptized. 

The following morning we had to arrange transportation to take us to where there was enough water to perform baptisms. This area is very dry and water is not abundant. 

We went to the San Luis River where Zoila, Maria and Rubi were baptized, with myself, Bro. Ramiro and Bro. Gregorio taking turns going into the fast moving river to conduct the baptisms. Right there next to the river with the two Elders assisting me, we confirmed these three wonderful sisters. 

Next we traveled to Jocotan Chiquimula to meet church members there, but found they were not in the area, as they had to travel a distance away for work. 

We then visited church members in Pelillo Negro where they were very happy to see us. We held worship services with them.

The next day we visited church members in San Jorge and there we offered our condolences for the loss of one of our members, Sister Ana Vita Chacon Vela. Her loss has been very difficult for her family. 

I ended this three week mission trip, returning to my home in Belize on June 17. We rejoiced that three more saints made their covenant with our Lord and several church members were strengthened in their walk with Christ and still others were introduced to the Restored Gospel. Please join us in keeping our brothers and sisters and those who may become our brothers and sisters, in prayer.