An Epistle (Letter) of Love to the Saints

To the children of God who have been born of the water and of the spirit, I greet you as a brother and fellow member of the body of Christ, in the name of the Holy One of Israel, even Jesus Christ;  who shed His Blood to remit our sins and sanctify us before the Father; that through Him we might obtain pardon and peace and receive favor in the sight of Almighty God as those born into His Kingdom. Peace and grace be multiplied unto you.

Let us give praise, honor and glory to our Heavenly Father and His only Begotten through and by the power of the Holy Spirit, which seals us His and bears record of the Father and the Son.

Paul wrote, “According as he has chosen us in Him, before the foundation of the world, that we should be Holy and without blame before him in love.”

The Lord Jesus came that He might prepare His Bride to be presented without spot. Now the body of believers and the bride are one in the same, that the body be to the praise of His Holy Glory; as the bride robed in her gown of righteousness. So be it that we are heirs with Christ in the Kingdom of our Father, which art in Heaven.   For we have before us, being made known in the flesh, Jesus Christ, whom the Father did send in all His love towards us; that we be made free in Him by His eternal grace.

The Lord Jesus commands us to love another, even in and through our faults; bearing each other’s burdens; that the strong in spirit among us may edify and sustain the weak. Some are yet babes in the fullness of the gospel which we preach in spirit and in truth! Howbeit we learn without one sent to us to preach the glorious gospel, that the body be made strong and whole?  For, for this cause did He call men from among men to preach with power and authority.

Jesus said “the poor will always be among you”, I believe this partly to mean the poor in spirit needing to be edified. If then some about us need strength, let us all work together; for who among us would ignore the needs or pain of one part of our body to cast it off? No, the opposite, we would strive to be whole. So it is with the body of Christ, its’ strength comes from the members love one for another. Even the works of our adversary come to naught as the children of the Lord come together peaceably and with love. Selfishness disappears, guile is not heard, gossip and backbiting find no place, strife and envyings cease. These are the works of the flesh. The children of God bear the fruit of the spirit; love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, kindness, goodness and faith. Against these there is no law. These are the attributes of those who shall inherit the Kingdom of God.  Shall its citizens pollute His very Kingdom, God will forbid.

How can we live peaceably in the Kingdom of God with His saints if we refuse to love each other on this earthly kingdom? God’s Kingdom is not a place afar off, no it is in the hearts of His children here on earth.

Again, it is written “let us not be weary in well doing; for in due season we shall reap if we faint not. As we therefore have opportunity let us do good to all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.”

Blessed, let us use forgiveness rather than judgement, for we shall receive that which we impart. Is it not better or more fruitful to forgive lest we be judged? The Lord of hosts desires your heart. He can make a heart of stone into one of flesh. He desires your hearts because you place your treasures there. If we treasure one another as He treasurers us, we will work to serve each other. When we are in service to each other we are in service to our God.

That which we have knowledge of and have heard declare we unto you, that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. And we write these things to you that your joy may be full.

John wrote,” we know we have passed from death unto life because we love the brethren.  He that loveth not his brother abideth in death.”

Let us therefore abide in He who is mighty to save. Jesus said “I am the vine, Ye are the branches. He that abideth in me and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit, for without me ye can do nothing.”

Saints, if we abide in Christ and let Him abide in us we can do great things; this is how the Kingdom of God shall come.

Love one another, treasure one another, give of yourself towards the work of the Kingdom. Embrace one another with a jealous love, let nothing come between you for the day shall come that the saints shall be tried with fire, and it will be the love of the saints which sustains us all.

May the precious love of God find a place in you and among you all is my prayer. Amen and amen.

Always your loving brother,
Apostle Rex Curtis
March 24, 2020