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Stewardship Writings

An Appeal to the Church"None are exempt from this law who belong
to the Church of the living God," as saith the Lord; and all are commanded to pay their dues unto
Presiding Bishop Israel L. Rogers (1880) - 1st Bishop of the Reorganization
The Order of Enoch17-page study on the Order of EnochBishop A. Carmichael (1880)
The Church and the Duties of the Saints in Temporal AffairsWritten "To the, Saints, the faithful in Christ and to all everywhere who are devoted to the proclamation of his gospel..."Presiding Bishop George Blakeslee and Bishop E. L. Kelley (1884)
Duties, Responsibilities and Faith of the SaintsWritten "In order to know that so long as the law of Christ or any part of it remains unfulfilled, as a people we are lacking, not having performed the duties required of us..."Presiding Bishopric E. L. Kelley and G. H. Hilliard (1901)
Stewardship Study GuideStudy on Stewardship for Priesthood and SaintsBishop Carl Cederstrom et. al. (2009)
Making Your AccountingDesigned to help members of the church in their desires to respond to God's expectations in the temporal area of their discipleshipBishop Carl Cederstrom et. al. (2011)