On-Line Registration is
Now Closed
April 7-13, 2024
"Becoming Zion: Our Sacred Mission"
I am excited to invite you to the 2024 Conference of Restoration Branches’ General Conference, where we will explore “Becoming Zion: Our Sacred Mission.” This theme was chosen because I know of no greater need in our world than to prepare for the reception of our Lord Jesus Christ in His desired reign upon the earth in Zion.
Our gathering at this important time in history offers a significant opportunity to prepare for the reception of our Lord, Jesus Christ, to reign upon the earth in Zion. As we consider the temporal and spiritual condition of our world, we are compelled to turn our attention to Him in readiness for what He has in store.
We know Christ yearns for the arrival of His Kingdom on earth, and a sanctified and righteous people to receive Him. To that end we have planned several unique activities and presentations we hope will lift the body to a greater awareness and divine inspiration that will move us in ways that embrace the restoration of the House of Israel and the broader scope of His plan with all peoples across the whole world.
We recognize there are profound, eternal implications that depend upon our responsibility in this moment, and have scheduled this conference accordingly. This conference begins Sunday afternoon, April 7th where we begin with a special Zion experience led by Benji Pedersen, that should move all that attend. Monday we move into business followed by an important presentation by Rich Rupe on the necessity of understanding the role of covenant with God’s people throughout scripture and history. Tuesday we begin with an extensive, guided prayer service, “Seeking the Lord’s Presence,” led by Hugh Caldwell and others. After lunch brother Sinnagwin and others will lead us to hear the heart and voice of our Native American brothers and sisters. Wednesday we are excited to join with the Conference of Restoration Elders and their families in a shared picnic. Afterwards, we will meet back at Good Shepherd to remember the founding spiritual experiences of our roots in order to remind us about where we’ve come from and the direction God has placed on our shoulders to establish His Kingdom from the very beginning. Thursday we will consider some of the challenges about remaining Christ-centered as we endeavor to envision Zion as a reality in our midst led by Gary Metzger. On Friday Chari Pedersen, Joel Loving, Chris Taylor and others will provide some paths and practices we must address if Zion is to flourish (not following the culture, but setting the standards for a divine, Christ-filled culture). That evening we will be led in a “restoration of the house of Israel” experience and meal, which holds great promise for meaning and fulfillment.
Throughout the week the Apostles will be leading our evening worship services to bring counsel and admonition so vital for us to hear and follow in our response. During the week days we have the important business of elections, budgets, resolutions and quorum meetings, which we cannot over-emphasize, along with provided lunches and wonderful opportunities to fellowship with other saints.
On Saturday morning we anticipate ordinations, if approved by the conference, and a sending forth that will lead to greater steps than ever before as we move to establish Zion, our sacred mission, and become the Zion of the Lord!
Please make serious preparation for this conference in prayer, fasting and study. We anticipate profound inspiration and direction by the Holy Spirit.
May the Lord bless you in all your preparations for His return.
Joel Loving, Conference President

Location Info
The conference this year takes place at Good Shepherd Community of Christ church, located at:
4341 Blue Ridge Blvd, Kansas City, MO 64133. Online registration is now closed, but the registration desk will be open daily.
The Zion Experience event kicks off the conference at 6:00 pm CDT (building opens at 5:30 pm), however it cannot be streamed due to the nature of the activity. The first live streamed event will take place on Monday morning, at 9:00 am (the doors open for registration at 8:00 am).
We have many special events occurring during this conference. Please check the schedule for event requirements and locations; call or text the conference manager (816.301.1374) with questions. Several of these activities require sign-up or RSVP - stations for that are in the front lobby of the church.
There is a direct link to the conference schedule on the main menu of this website. There is also a link to the the live stream, that is "live" only when we are broadcasting.
How to Access Conference Documents Once They Become Available
All documents supporting activities for this conference are arranged on-line as found in the "conference notebooks". The link at the top of this page (Notebook Content) provides on-line access to them. They are named with section numbers that match those listed in the Table of Contents, as found in the conference notebooks.
Depending on which Internet browser you are using (like Google Chrome, Edge, Mozilla, Safari, etc.) and your individual browser settings, you will either be able to preview the file by clicking on the link, or will be prompted to download it before viewing. You do not have to purchase anything to view the documents.
Documents will open either in a new web browser "tab" or the same tab (necessitating you click the "back" arrow to return to the previous view).
If questions, email us at "manager@ conferenceofbranches.org" or text us at 816-301-1374.