The world is in a state of turmoil. The question before us is: What should we be doing now? The Lord has given His people the gift of much faith, however it is incumbent that we understand a few things…

Conference of Restoration Branches
Promoting the Gospel of Jesus Christ as Restored in these Latter Days
This is not an actual category, but Blogs BJ is managing come under here
The world is in a state of turmoil. The question before us is: What should we be doing now? The Lord has given His people the gift of much faith, however it is incumbent that we understand a few things…
The Bookkeepers have asked that all checks sent to the conference be payable only to either “JCRB” or “Joint Conference of Restoration Branches”. Should you wish…
Put simply, it restores the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the earth.
Truth is important. Having the clarity of truth among us enlightens the clear way forward. It validates our hope in the tender mercies Jehovah offers those who…
The Lord commands us to love another, even in and through our faults; that the strong in spirit among us may edify and sustain the weak. Howbeit we learn without one sent to us to preach the glorious gospel, that the body be made strong and whole? For, for this cause did He call men from among men to preach with power and authority.
What can you say about a man who brought blessing to others; who answered his calling in service until he could no longer stand…
“This is my beloved Son, hear Him.“(The History of The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Vol.1:
For thus saith the Lord, Ye have sold yourselves for naught; and ye shall be redeemed without money (3 Nephi 9:96
The Book of Mormon is the most literarily beautiful, doctrinally truthful and everlastingly applicable book I’ve ever encountered. (
And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him is called Faithful and True,
In the early days of the Restored Church the Book of Mormon was the “key to conversion.” Over and over again the early Saints testified of the power they felt as they heard about, saw, touched and handled the book. Often times the book itself was the messenger inviting the presence of the Holy Spirit…