Corianton (the Musical)

A new musical will debut on Sunday afternoon, April 6th in Independence, MO.

This musical will follow the reflections of Corianton (son of Alma) as he recalls his pride, rebellion, fall and redemption just prior to his voyage to places unknown. This musical will reveal the heart of a man who has been freed from the confinement of sin, and found joy in service to God.

Come Unto Christ

In the 1960s the “Go Ye and Teach” series was developed to introduce people to the church. That resource has since been re-worked. The “Come Unto Christ” approach includes the “Plan of Salvation,” a composite of three classes: 1. Creation, Fall and Rebirth; 2. Life After Death; 3. Resurrections, Millennial Reign and Eternal Judgment. The next class is about the Body of Christ (the Church) that carries that message to the world. If you…