The Book of Mormon points the way to truth. Come and join us for two evenings (7-9 PM April 19 & 20, 2024) of exploration into the adventure that is the Book of Mormon at the Good Shepherd Community of Christ church, located at 4341 Blue Ridge Blvd, Kansas City, MO 64133.
Category: BJ
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Tearing Down the Walls of Unbelief
One reason the Saints do not experience Zion is a lack of honor given to the gifts of each one. Because we reject the riches of insight, experience, gifts in some, we find it impossible to be of one heart and mind…
Strengthening Families
Children are a covenant blessing. As custodians over their lives and stewards over their development, parents have a significant role in grooming them to be participants in Zion (the earthly representation of the Kingdom).
To assist families in strengthening their ties…
Light Needed: How Bright Will You Shine?
The challenge before the Saints to establish the cause of Zion remains before us. We have been admonished to pour ALL of our vigour into…
Book of Mormon Symposium & Rally
193 years ago, a book was published in the United States that has perhaps become one of the most widely read and distributed books ever published in America. And while it’s been uncommon to hear about the Book of Mormon without the overlay of church organizations appealing for converts, at this event we will celebrate together…
Zion Calls
Joseph Smith, June 4, 1834:
“It is our prayer day and night that God will open the heart of the churches to pour in men and means to assist us…”
Restoration Revival
Awake, Arise and Go Forth to Meet the Bridegroom! Saints of all ages are invited to join us at Living Hope for a Restoration Revival! We will be focusing on reviving us as a people and coming together as the Restoration as we approach Zion’s borderline!
Book of Mormon Briefs
The Book of Mormon invites those of us first to come into the truth to be the nursing mothers and fathers that labor to reclaim the offspring of God’s ancient covenant people, the Lamanites (& Nephites), who through the wandering of their forefathers were kept from a knowledge of the truth; the fullness of the gospel…
Come Unto Christ
In the 1960s the “Go Ye and Teach” series was developed to introduce people to the church. That resource has since been re-worked. The “Come Unto Christ” approach includes the “Plan of Salvation,” a composite of three classes: 1. Creation, Fall and Rebirth; 2. Life After Death; 3. Resurrections, Millennial Reign and Eternal Judgment. The next class is about the Body of Christ (the Church) that carries that message to the world. If you…
Remembering Rob Rolfe
Long-time friend of the Conference, former President, Treasurer and acting Bishop of the JCRB prior to his death, High Priest Rob Rolfe passed away March 9th following a prolonged illness. Funeral Services will take place March 19, 2022 at 10:30 am at the…