The 2020 General Conference was originally scheduled to begin on April 14th. As you know, we have been relegated to a temporary period of individual and family isolation, which means we are presently unable to enjoy the company of all the Saints. We will not, however, allow ourselves to be discouraged by the circumstances presented by this virus. Instead, we elect to be grateful for the Lord’s blessings and look forward to being able to worship in unison again at a future Conference.
Saints have a historical reputation of faithfulness and steadfastness in times of distress and have always endured, expectant of the Lord’s blessings. This period of time shall be sustained by the Saints in like manner. For now, our prayers for those affected by this virus should be our priority. This includes those suffering from the virus, those who have lost loved ones, and those who are experiencing shortages of food and financial support.
We are considering a future date for the General Conference and will notify you when we believe a reasonable and safe environment can be ensured. Until then, consider how our Heavenly Father blesses our efforts and sustains the mission of the JCRB. As a reminder, the purpose of the Conference of Restoration Branches is to bring people into a covenant with the Father through Jesus Christ. We exist to spread the Restored Gospel of Christ, to assist in the gathering of the House of Israel, and to establish Zion, a city of righteousness, the New Jerusalem.
In joyous bonds,
Fred Greene, Patriarch/Evangelist
General Conference President