Relegated to a temporary period of individual and family isolation, we consider the Conference that would have begun today, Saints throughout the world continue to look upward, blessed by the mercies of God and one another…
Author: webmaster
An Epistle (Letter) of Love to the Saints
The Lord commands us to love another, even in and through our faults; that the strong in spirit among us may edify and sustain the weak. Howbeit we learn without one sent to us to preach the glorious gospel, that the body be made strong and whole? For, for this cause did He call men from among men to preach with power and authority.
Remembering Carl Cederstrom
What can you say about a man who brought blessing to others; who answered his calling in service until he could no longer stand…
#159: The Indispensability of Personal Revelation
“This is my beloved Son, hear Him.“(The History of The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Vol.1:
#158: Here’s to You Mrs. Robinson
For thus saith the Lord, Ye have sold yourselves for naught; and ye shall be redeemed without money (3 Nephi 9:96
#157: An Unused Gift
The Book of Mormon is the most literarily beautiful, doctrinally truthful and everlastingly applicable book I’ve ever encountered. (
#156: An Alternative Plan
And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him is called Faithful and True,